Welcome to the Connections Link Life Training for Trainers Professional Competency Building Course or ConLL T4T PCB for short!
Welcome to the Connections Link Life Training for Trainers Professional Competency Building Course or ConLL T4T PCB for short!
Who is this Online Course For?
- You are enrolling in this course because you have already completed the Connections Link Life: Suicide Prevention Awareness /Connections Link Life Training For Trainers (ConLL T4T) either as a group or as an individual. You have successfully demonstrated delivery of the programme during that training and been awarded with your Provisional Senior Ambassadors Certificate.
- Upon successfully completing this course and once approved by Fresh Minds Education (FME), you will receive your Approved Senior Ambassador Certificate.
- It is up to you to maintain your facilitator status by delivering Connections Link Life twice annually and undertaking any updates requested by FME.
What resources will I have access to during completing this online course?
In parallel to this course, you have access to the Connections link Life Senior Ambassador Quick Guide where you have access to all the videos, downloads, and activities required to deliver the Suicide Prevention Awareness Training directly. This is accessible through the Connections Link Life Senior Ambassador members area on the FME Members Area – For Facilitators + Trainers website.
What is the aim of this course?
This structured programme will empower and enable Senior Ambassadors to deliver emotional health & resilience sessions with ease, the programme is broken down into 12 lessons to ensure minimum preparation and time is required prior to facilitation, as PCB’s explore underpinning knowledge and standards.
Our Vision for the Connections Curriculum
Is to serve our people, organisations, businesses, communities and government to access first-class, quality-assured, accessible suicide prevention awareness and emotional health education. We hope to empower and inspire meaningful personal action that will help save lives, improve well-being, cultivate emotionally healthy practices, and break the cycles of trauma.
The CONNECTIONS Curriculum Overview is for those seeking;
- A greater understanding of suicide prevention awareness and mental & emotional
health education. - The confidence to intervene with people experiencing emotional distress and suicide.
- To cultivate resilience through emotional health practices and self-care.
The Connections suicide prevention awareness and emotional health education curriculum
is trauma and attachment informed. It encourages learners to understand themselves and
others more holistically and enables us all to more effectively support someone in emotional
distress. It helps us understand ourselves more fully and helps us recognise the need to
fortify our own mental & emotional health and build resilience through emotional health
practices and selfcare
Facilitator Key Points :
We want you to leave the connections link life course with:
– An understanding of what contributes to emotional distress and suicide
– The knowledge of how to cultivate positive mental health and prevent suicide
– The belief that everyone can do something to promote positive mental health and
prevent suicide.
– The confidence to connect with and help a person in emotional distress or with
thoughts of suicide
Course Overview:
Your course is made up of 12 lessons which are subdivided into modules (see structure below)
At the end of each lesson, there is a quiz to test your knowledge and retention!
Disclaimers from Fresh Minds Education (FME)
The following disclaimer apply to all material produced in paper or digital format by FME
Medical Disclaimer
The following information is intended for general information purposes only. Individuals should always see their health-care provider before administering any suggestions made in this course. Any application of the material set forth in this online course is at the reader’s discretion and is his or her sole responsibility.
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